Silicon to Scripting 2

To build the full computer, we will be using the website It provides all the levels and components in order. You could even disregard these posts altogether, but I hope that they bring more value than just the game.

A bit of vocabulary before we start:

The first level wants us to build a NAND gate. A gate is just another name for operator or function. The given truth table is:


We only have two types of relays available.

When constructing these gates, it’s useful to break the problem down into smaller parts by phrasing the problem differently. The NAND gate can be described as the following

Always on unless both A and B are on.

We can now solve this level in two setps

  1. Always on
  2. unless both A and B are on

To complete part one, we can use the always on relay.

alwayas on

And for part two, we need to turn that gate off when A and B are on. By the looks of it, the “relay (default off)” only turns on when the current c is on and the input in is on: an and gate.

alwayas on

part 3